Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Something Completely Different

Hello, everyone! I know I have left you in a murky silence for over a month. I'm not abandoning this blog, and I assure you things are coming around again that will carry the story steadily from All-Star break to the play-offs.

I have been busy with many other things. My girlfriend is now my fiance, and I'm no longer a temp. I've been very fortunate to find myself working with people that value a person's ability to form thoughts and put them in writing, so I wanted to offer you the opportunity to read the first public piece I've created for their website. Fair warning: the piece and the site are very political with a distinctive lean to the left. If that's not your cup of tea, that's just fine. I'm not interested in making NBA on the Brain a political forum and I won't cross-pollinate, but I wanted to extend the invitation to find me elsewhere if you're so inclined.

Please click here, and jump around over there for more thought-provoking material.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see all is well. Congrats on the lockdown, and from the looks of the title, I do believe I'll love your new work.


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