Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Guilty guilty guilty guilty

Man, I feel terrible about being away from my blog for so long. I haven't gotten any angry emails, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal to anyone but myself, but for those of you that have followed regularly, sorry to go MIA. If I wrote about all of the things that went wrong or were overly complicated with the recent move, you probably wouldn't believe me. Also, my DVR issues are resolved and I'm back to full access. There are a lot of interesting games happening tonight, so I'm going to put on the pot of coffee and sacrifice my sleeping hours to get this story back in action. Comments comments comments people! Let me know you're out there!


  1. so you should feel guilty!! just kidding

  2. i'm here! but you know that. duh.

  3. Oh there you are! I had wondered. Welcome back! (whacks the evil spirits out of your new lair with Whammo!Bat)

  4. Nah, we just didn't comment because we all understand that people know, lives other than blogging. (Not a diss on your blog or you, in case that came out wrong)

    These stories are awesome, man. Hopefully we'll see more of them, and soon!

  5. Keep. On. Doing. This.


  6. blog blog blog blog blog

  7. glad you're back! been checking the blog daily. keep the creative juices flowing! =)

  8. Echoing everyone's sentiments, take the time you need to live your LIFE life, still checkin everyday for the next installment!

  9. i checked the blog everyday, but yeah like Kevin said, i think we all understand if you go MIA.. keep up the good work mate ;)


If you leave an email address, I'll write you back!